Migratory birds in Costa Rica

Local migrations

In Costa Rica frugivorous and nectivorous bird species must be more mobile then insectivorous species to take advantage of peaks of flowering and fruiting that change with the season and the zone. In general in the second half of the year when in Costa Rica the middle and higher altitudes are often drenched by chilling rains resident birds of many kinds tend to descend to warmer, drier levels where there food may be more abundant. During the  first month of the following year when the weather improves these species will return upward. Examples of species that are local altitudinal migrants are Three-wattled Bellbird, Resplendent Quetzal, Red-headed Barbet, Silver-throated Tanager and several species of Hummingbirds.   

Long-distance migrations

  • Coming from North America:

The mass influx of long-distance migrants from temperate and boreal North America starts around late August. Warblers predominate in number of species, but also Flycatchers, Swallows, Thrushes, Vireo’s, Orioles, Tanagers, Finches , Pigeons, Cuckoos, Kingfishers, Herons,  Ducks, Shorebirds and a massive amount of Raptors swell the multitude. Many of these migratory species continue onward to winter in South America but countless remain in Costa Rica. Around March – April these birds migrate back North to their wintering grounds.

  • Coming from South-America

From South-America Costa Rica receives only a few species of migrants. Early in the year Swallow-tailed Kites, Plumbeous Kites, Piratic Flycatchers, Sulphur-bellied Flycatchers and Yellow-green Vireos arrive to breed or continue farther northward. They will return to South America I time to avoid Costa Rica’s heaviest rains.   

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