Leave and License Agreement for 33 Months

A leave and license agreement is an essential legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a rental agreement between a property owner and a tenant. In this agreement, the owner grants the tenant the right to use and occupy the property for a specified period, usually for a short duration like 11 months or 12 months. However, in certain situations, the tenant may require the property for an extended period, and a 33-month leave and license agreement might be the perfect solution.

What is a Leave and License Agreement?

A Leave and License Agreement is a legal document that serves as a rental agreement between a landlord and a tenant. In this document, the landlord or owner of the property, also known as the licensor, grants the tenant or the licensee, the right to use and occupy the property for a particular time frame, which in this case is 33 months. This agreement is a popular choice for tenants who require the property for an extended period.

Why Choose a 33 Months Leave and License Agreement?

The primary reason why tenants prefer a 33-month leave and license agreement is that it provides them with an extended period to use and occupy the property. This duration is particularly beneficial for people who are relocating to a new place for work or business and would require the property for a more extended period than a traditional rental agreement.

Moreover, a 33-month leave and license agreement offers tenants the flexibility to renew the agreement after its expiration, depending on their needs. In this case, the tenant can choose to renew the agreement for a more extended period or opt-out of the agreement.

Terms and Conditions of a 33 Months Leave and License Agreement

As with any legal document, a 33-month leave and license agreement includes specific terms and conditions that both the licensor and licensee must adhere to. These terms include:

1. Rent: The agreement outlines the rent payable by the tenant for the duration of the lease period. The rent amount is often negotiable, and the parties can mutually agree on the rent payable.

2. Security Deposit: The tenant is required to provide a security deposit that will serve as a guarantee against any damages to the property or failure to pay rent.

3. Maintenance and Repairs: The agreement specifies who is responsible for maintaining and repairing the property and its fixtures and fittings. The clause outlines the procedures for reporting and fixing any damages to the property.

4. Termination of Agreement: The agreement outlines the circumstances under which either party can terminate the agreement. It also provides the notice period required for termination.

5. Renewal: The terms for renewal of the agreement are specified in the document. The tenant can choose to renew the agreement or opt-out after the agreement`s expiration.


A 33-month leave and license agreement is an excellent option for tenants who require property for an extended period. This document provides the tenant with the flexibility to use and occupy the property for an extended period and to renew the agreement after its expiration. If you are considering a leave and license agreement, it is advisable to engage the services of a competent legal practitioner with experience in drafting such agreements.

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