Worksheets on Subject Verb Agreement for Class 5

As a class 5 student, it`s important to understand the basic rules of subject-verb agreement. The subject and verb in a sentence should always agree in number. This means that if the subject is singular, the verb should be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural. To help you with your grammar skills, here are some worksheets on subject-verb agreement for class 5.

1. Identify the subject and verb

This worksheet requires you to identify the subject and verb in a sentence and determine if they agree in number. For example, “The cat chases the mice” – the subject is “cat” and the verb is “chases” which agree in number. However, “The cat chases the mouse” would be incorrect as the subject “cat” is singular, but the verb “chases” is in the plural form, it should be “chase” to match the singular subject “cat”.

2. Choose the correct verb

This worksheet presents you with sentences with options for the verb, and you need to select the correct one that agrees with the subject. For example, “The dogs (barks, bark) loudly when the postman comes.” The subject “dogs” is plural, so the correct verb to use would be “bark” in plural form, “The dogs bark loudly when the postman comes.”

3. Fill in the blank

This worksheet requires you to complete the sentence by filling in the blank with the correct verb. For example, “The boy (run, runs) faster than the girl.” The subject “boy” is singular, so the verb to use would be “runs” in the singular form, “The boy runs faster than the girl.”

4. Rewrite the sentence

This worksheet presents you with a sentence with an incorrect subject-verb agreement, and you need to rewrite the sentence to make it correct. For example, “The dogs barks loudly.” The subject “dogs” is plural, but the verb “barks” is in the singular form, and should be “bark” in plural form. The sentence can be rewritten as “The dogs bark loudly.”

In conclusion, practicing subject-verb agreement through worksheets is a great way to improve your grammar skills as a class 5 student. These worksheets will provide you with a solid foundation to help you write grammatically correct sentences. With sufficient practice, you will soon be able to write with confidence and accuracy, which is essential for effective communication.

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